Have you ever thought what ”Golden Keys of Younger Look” are?
Your inner beauty is the first significant golden key of your younger look, which is based upon cheerfulness, feeling positive and taking things from their bright sides and knowing how to get pleasure from the small things in life. Contenment with your life makes you look bright . Think of the wrinkles on your face. Don’t they appear because of your worrysome and distressful thoughts? Seeing only the empty side of the half full glass of water? The main point is to see the both sides but be thankful for the positive side not be sorry for the negative side.In addition to this, always remember to smile at yourself in the mirror as you are “ unique” in this world.
On top of all, if you are loved and love someone, that is more effective than any beauty products. Even your eyes look brighter and more attractive than usual so we should take care of ourselves , from top to toe but number one is to be friendly and pleased with ourselves and our environment. Your hormones will run so effectively when you are in love your skin can never be so nice,this unbelievable emotion makes you look more beautiful . Isn’t it a magic? If we are happy, this will spread soon and makes others around us happy as well. Your smile and even laughter will be the best remedies of avoiding looking older.
In addition to all these things, body care is essential.You know what steps are but let me emphasize once more:

2.Having short or shoulderlength hairstyle which makes you look younger after certain age.
3.Drinking at least 2 lt of water which makes your metabolism fast and moistrizes your skin, which is necessary to prevent wrinkles . Water also makes you feel full and it has a sort of relaxing effect on our stress or anxiety.
4.A good night sleep with a comfortable bed and rather high pillows to prevent the puffs around eyes.
5.Walking –walk for your life ,that is your life motto from now on.
6.Eating little but at least six times a day
7.Avoid smoking and having much alcohol.
8.Choose the best colors and style going with your body and skin + hair color. "Color" means life itself in a sense.
9.Improve yourself by having hobbies and interests, which make you spend quality time
10.Always try to look natural and plain, too much makeup, perfume and accessories may cause you to look unattractive.
"Cheerfulness and contentment are great beautifiers and are famous preservers of youthful looks." -- Charles Dickens
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