Thursday, October 13, 2011

Unreal Past

There are some clauses that are used in the Simple past but refer to Present time or future wishes, regrets, dreams and sometimes facts. Here are some common ones:

1. I WISH…
Wish clauses is always followed by a past tense when they refer to present or future. That’s why past forms of the verbs never refer to real past facts.

I wish you were with me now.(but you aren't )
I wish everybody came to my party this weekend.
I wish I were a rich person . (This is an unreal situation were is used instead of was in order to emphasize this.That means I am not rich but want to be rich.)

You can also use past modals:

I wish I could get a good mark in the exam.

If you want to express your dreams , wishes or regrets about past events, the past perfect tense is used:
I wish I hadn’t met him yesterday. (I am sorry that I met him yesterday.)
I wish I could have visited her.(but I didn’t)

2. It is time …..

The past form of the verb after “It is time…” refers to routine present time activities  or part of a programme or needs.

It is time you studied English.(time for studying Eng.)
It is high time you went to bed.(time for bed)
It is time we practised the songs.

3. As if/ as though

He talks to me as if he were my boss.( In fact, he is not my boss.)
She is looking at me as if she knew me.(She doesn’t know me.)

4. If clauses Unreal present or past, type 2 and 3

If I were a rich man, I would travel all over the world. (I am not rich, this is my dream.)
If I saw him, I would take his photo.

If I had known, I would have helped you.(but I didn’t.)

4. would rather + subject ...

I would rather my child became a doctor.
I would rather she came soon.

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