Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Let's Start with S.Present tense

Let's Start with "The Simple Present Tense" for daily activities.(Günlük eylemler için Geniş Zaman'la başlayalım.)
Sentence Patterns with time expressions:(zaman ifadeleriyle cümle modelleri)

I drink a cup of tea every morning.(Her sabah çay içerim .)

You drink a cup of coffee.

She drinks a cup of green tea.

Jane always drinks a cup of hot chocolate. (always=hep;daima)

I play football every weekend. (Her hafta sonu futbol oynarım.)

You play football .

They sometimes play football. (sometimes=bazen)

He usually plays football. (usually=genelde)

We watch TV every evening. (Her akşam TV izleriz.)

You often watch TV. (often = sık sık)

They usually watch TV in the evenings. (akşamları)

He watches TV.

She watches TV.

David often drives to work .(D. işe sık sık arabayla gider.)
He doesn't go by bus. He seldom goes to work by train.(Nadiren de işe trenle gider.)

Sam usually swims in the sea every morning.(Sam her sabah genelde denizde yüzer.)
He rarely swims in the pool.(Pek az havuzda yüzer.)

The dog usually stays in its basket.(Köpek genelde basketinde durur.)
It sometimes stays in the garden.(Bazen bahçede durur.)

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