Friday, October 29, 2010

Take Care of Yourself

Do you really take care of yourself? What do you do for yourself? For your body ? For your skin? For your selfdevelopment? For your soul? How do you take care of them?

We are all unique. We are one of the 7 milliard people on earth and each of us is unique. So we are all important. Our body, our soul is sacred so we are supposed to take care of ourselves. As each of us is unique, we are different from each other and our needs are different. We can only  mention how to take care of ourselves and  handle our needs and problems in general.

The main point is cleanness. We should keep our body, skin, hair clean and wellcared according to our skin type or hair type. The tips are not to clean our face with soap. Instead we can use mild tonic like rose water. Aromatherapists  prefer absolute rose water. We shouldn’t put on too much cosmetics, even none . We should avoid using powder, foundation cream, eye shadows.They have chemicals and harm our skin. We can prefer organic ones or none. Or we can use natural materials such as milk, honey, lemon juice...You can cleanse your skin with milk and nurture it or make honey masque or use lemon juice to tighten the pores as well as for its antiseptic effect. Honey is also useful for your hair. You can put some honey in your shampoo and wash your hair. Moisturising your skin with an appropriate cream  is also important to prevent wrinkles and lines.

For our body, we should get the harmful junk food, fried food, too much carbohydrates, sugar, too much salt  out of our list. We can eat anything except for these but the amount is important. How much you eat is much more important than what you eat.

And walk for your life as often as you can. Exercise, walking and swimming .. they are the miracles to keep fit.

 On top of all, what you feel is very crucial. If you know how to enjoy your life then the radiant of this positive energy will make you very charming. And the love of life in your eyes is much more meaningful than anything. Love and respect come first.

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